Trust-IT (Trust Information Technologies) is an Enterprise Security Provider & IT Solutions Company, which leverages the sector of IT Security Intelligence in conjunction with Physical Security. Pioneer in Integration and Security of Information Systems, the company’s philosophy is to foresee cliental needs and contribute innovative solutions by taking advantage of its specialized staff. By applying advanced, cutting edge methods and techniques, such as ethical hacking, social engineering, computer forensics, network and physical assessments, and more sophisticated and complex methods, our consultants are capable to identify vulnerabilities in Information & Telecommunication systems and define the level of exposure in all kinds of asymmetrical threats.

International Security Standards
Trust-IT is able to undertake the certification and compliance of any Enterprise, according to International Security Standards (ISO27001, Sarbanes Oxley, PCI DSS, Basel II, III) using all the appropriate Solutions, Products and Methodologies.

The Information Security Management System (ISMS) of Trust-IT has been approved by ISOQAR to the ISO 27001:2013 with the Certificate No 7287 for the following activities:
Provision of I/T Security Services: Design, Development and Implementation of I/T Security Systems and Infrastructure; Security Policies;
Provision of IT Security Services in the field of Industrial Anti-spying Systems and Infrastructure.
Digital forensics and cyber investigation for Juridical and Law Enforcement Agencies, companies organizations as well as individuals.

The Information Security Management System (ISMS) of Trust-IT has been approved by ISOQAR

The Quality Management System of Trust-IT has been approved by ISOQAR
The Quality Management System of Trust-IT has been approved by ISOQAR to the ISO 9001:2008 with the Certificate No 7287 QMS001, in the same activities.